How Does My Business Keep Me Satisfied? Conversations on Spirituality and Business with Lisa Pearson our organizationsRebecca SebastianJanuary 29, 2025yoga, yoga podcast, yogastudio, yoga business, yoga industry, yoga course, yoga teacher, yoga teacher training course
Orgs! What Are They Good For? A Conversation with Leslie Kaminoff our organizationsRebecca SebastianNovember 14, 2024yoga podcast, yoga teacher, yoga teacher training course, yogastudio, yogapodcast, yoga business, yoga therapist, yoga industry
Are Our Organizations Even Listening To Us? A New Series our organizationsRebecca SebastianNovember 6, 2024yoga, yoga podcast, yoga teacher, yoga teacher training, yoga industry, yoga organization, iayt, yoga therapist
Best Practices For Yoga Teacher Training. A Conversation with Leslie Pearlman Yoga Teacher TrainingRebecca SebastianSeptember 30, 2024yoga podcast, yoga teacher, yoga teacher training course, yogastudio, yoga courses, yoga therapist, yoga teacher training, yoga course, yoga industry
How Did Our YTT System Happen? A Conversation with Amara Miller Yoga Teacher TrainingRebecca SebastianSeptember 11, 2024yoga podcast, yoga teacher, yoga teacher training course, yoga alliance, yogastudio, yoga business, yoga courses, yoga industry, yoga professionals
Can You Be The Perfect Activist? A Learning Conversation w/ Colice Sanders perfectionism in yogaRebecca SebastianMarch 25, 2024yoga podcast, yoga teacher, yoga teacher training course, yogastudio, yoga business, yoga industry
Why Is All Our Money In Our Pants? A 'From The Archive' Conversation w/ Pooja Virani yoga industryRebecca SebastianDecember 11, 2023yoga podcast, yoga teacher, yoga business, yoga industry
Our Accessible Future. An Interview with Jivana Heyman yoga teacherRebecca SebastianNovember 6, 2023yoga podcast, yoga, yoga teacher training course, yoga therapist, yoga teacher, yoga industry
The Next Generation of Yoga Studio Owners w/ Nicole D’Andrea yoga industryRebecca SebastianSeptember 25, 2023yoga podcast, yogastudio, yoga business, yoga industry, yoga teacher training course
Yoga Instructor Shop Talk: Thoughts On Consent In Our Spaces yoga teacherRebecca SebastianApril 22, 2023yoga teacher, yoga training course, yoga industry
Doing Our Part. The Responsibility of Yoga Teachers To Each Other. yoga industryRebecca SebastianApril 4, 2023yoga teachers, yoga teacher training course, yoga professionals, yoga industry, hot yoga
What does yoga industry leadership look like? yoga industryRebecca SebastianMarch 28, 2023yoga industry, yoga podcast, yoga teacher, yoga teacher training, yoga profession