Doing Our Part. The Responsibility of Yoga Teachers To Each Other.

In February of 2023 there was an event that was created in Vancouver, Canada advertising that convicted predator, Bikram Choudhury, was to come to Canada to teach hot yoga workshops. Many yoga professionals, myself very much included, thought this was a bad idea.

We know from countless accounts of survivors that have been documented in books, podcasts, and documentary films, that Bikram is an unsafe individual to teach yoga to young women.

It is irresponsible for us to not raise a fuss about him teaching yoga to young women. Women who are being sent to his training by trusted mentors and teachers. Women are then funneled into his close circle by teacher trainers within the program.

This is a clear funnel of abuse (that ironically looks a whole lot like a marketing funnel) and many of us organized together to stop him from coming to teach in Canada.

This podcast is that story.

On February 8th Shannon Crow from the Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast, Colin Hall from the Yoga History Podcast, and I all got together and recorded this LIVE, with lots of friends and supporters on the call.

What followed was the subsequent cancellation of Bikram from teaching in Canada (win), and the reminder to us all that he is still out there teaching and potentially abusing women in the context of being a yoga teacher and yoga professional (grim reality).

So this week is that replay of the live call, and next week I will be updating everyone about what is happening now.


organizing works. following the money is the fastest way to see a result from your organizing, so if you are looking to take action on a cause that is important to you--look to the money first. It is likely the fastest way to your goal

Public accountability organizations, like the media, are your friends. Don't hesitate to reach out to them as ask for assistance in bringing more light to a subject

We all hold responsibility within the yoga professional arena to make sure that our participants are safe. This is not just a "them" problem. We are all responsible for the health, safety, and overall well-being of those people who would call themselves students of yoga.

Make friends in your activism journey. Find other people who are just as passionate about a cause as you and team up. It makes the job less daunting and more palatable.


Our support letter to the survivors of Bikram Choudhury's abuse

Survivor's Hotline for support for sexual assault

Shannons' Podcast recording of this.

Meg Devlin's Article

Working In Yoga Podcast Website

Rebecca's IG

Working In Yoga Newletter

Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast Website

Shannon's IG

Yoga History Website

Colin's Website

Colin's IG

Hell Bent Book by Benjamin Lorre

ESPN's 30/30 Podcast

Dr. Ramani's Podcast

Bikram Documentary on Netflix