How Does My Business Keep Me Satisfied? Conversations on Spirituality and Business with Lisa Pearson our organizationsRebecca SebastianJanuary 29, 2025yoga, yoga podcast, yogastudio, yoga business, yoga industry, yoga course, yoga teacher, yoga teacher training course
The Full License. A Deep Dive with Stevie Ingram our organizationsRebecca SebastianNovember 25, 2024yoga, yoga podcast, yoga teacher, yoga teacher training course, yogastudio, yoga ther, the future of yoga
Are Our Organizations Even Listening To Us? A New Series our organizationsRebecca SebastianNovember 6, 2024yoga, yoga podcast, yoga teacher, yoga teacher training, yoga industry, yoga organization, iayt, yoga therapist
The One About Friends Having Hard Conversations with Shannon Crow self care for yoga prosRebecca SebastianOctober 7, 2024yoga podcast, yoga, yoga teacher, yoga teacher training course, yogastudio, yogapodcast, yoga teacher training
Our Greatest Magic Trick Yoga Teacher TrainingRebecca SebastianAugust 5, 2024yoga, yoga podcast, yoga teacher, yoga teacher training course, yoga teacher training, yoga teachers
That's A Perfect Wrap. What We Learned, And What's Next. perfectionism in yogaRebecca SebastianApril 10, 2024yoga podcast, yoga, yoga teacher, yoga teacher training course, yogastudio, yoga business, yoga therapist, yoga teacher training
Organizing to Support Our Community. A Conversation with Val Sklar Robinson yoga industryRebecca SebastianDecember 4, 2023yoga podcast, yoga teacher, yoga, yoga studio, yoga professionals, hot yoga
Our Accessible Future. An Interview with Jivana Heyman yoga teacherRebecca SebastianNovember 6, 2023yoga podcast, yoga, yoga teacher training course, yoga therapist, yoga teacher, yoga industry
Are We Dateable? Yoga Industry Red Flags. yoga industryRebecca SebastianOctober 9, 2023yoga podcast, yoga teacher, yoga teacher training course, yoga, yoga business, yoga therapist
Ericka Thomas and Trauma-Informed Movement Rebecca SebastianMarch 28, 2022Sunlight Yoga + Apothecaryyoga teacher, yoga, trauma-informed yoga, movement professionals
Deconstruction with Dr. Katie Blake Rebecca SebastianNovember 3, 2021Sunlight Yoga + Apothecaryyoga, yoga business, deconstruction, podcast, yoga podcast, workingingyoga
Working In Yoga Episode #1: Rebecca's Origin Story Rebecca SebastianMay 21, 2021Sunlight Yoga Centeryoga, workingingyoga, yogapodcast, yogateaching, yogastudio, yogabusinessschool