Yoga Professional Summertime Self-Care Series 3: The Dip.

This week we are talking all about “the dip” (thanks Seth Godin for the inspo).

The dip is the inevitable downward slide we all experience when we are on an upward trajectory. And if you ask me, yoga in the West has not prepared us for this experience.

Positive vibes, good thoughts, and a mislabeled idea of what non-attachment is has made us ill-prepared when we think about those times in life, both personal and professional, when things don’t go as planned.

So what do we do?

Take a listen and find out.


-Dips are part of a natural progression in life. We are often taught that if we are “successful” there are not hard times, but it is much better to normalize the experience of difficulty, boredom, and loss of faith on our path forward.

-Numbers heal. Get to know your finances, monetary goals, and build a clear picture of how to get there.

-Self-care during difficult stretches should be a non-negotiable way to preserve your light and your sanity for the other side of this difficult time.

-Reflection and action, while on their own can be effective, together are a superpower.


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