Yoga Professional Summertime Care Series 2: New Goals and Fresh Starts

This week on the podcast we talk about starting over again mid-year.

What are your goals now that we are more than halfway through the year?

How can we shift to adjust to the person we have become throughout 2023?

I love doing a mid-year reassessment, and acknowledging where I am now, and if I have stuck to the things I said were important when the year started. Or if those things are even important to me anymore.

So let’s get into it, the new goals of mid-year.

I also answer a listener question today—a great question submitted about yoga teacher training program credential changes.


  • It is normal to reassess your goals halfway through the year. Do your original goals represent who you are now?

  • What things can you let go of in order to achieve your goals?

  • What do you want to take steps to move closer towards in the last half of the year?

  • Who do you want to be on December 31st, 2023? How do you want to feel on that day? Asking yourself that question can help clarify the goals for the last half of the year.


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