Yoga Professional Summertime Care. What We Do With All This Quiet.

This week we are talking about summertime in the yoga industry.

As we all likely know, yoga is a seasonal job—and summertime is when we slow down. What happens to us when we want to participate in all the busyness of summertime life in North America and also our cash flow is feeling strapped?

Well, I have a few suggestions.

We will talk about having hobbies, how that is good for the soul, and also the power of a survey.

Stay tuned for the next few weeks as we slide this summertime series right into fall, and make goals, projects, and plant seeds in our businesses that we will see harvested later in the year.


  • Yoga sometimes gets us very single-minded as adults. It is important for us to have a thriving personal life and to pursue hobbies that keep our spirits up and playful.

  • It is normal in this business to have a slow summer. Summertime is a great time to do some deep assessment for our business and classes, figuring out what is working for us and what isn’t.

  • Survey your students. Take the time and be brave, ask for feedback, and use that to become better at your job.

  • If you are looking to shift your career, you need to make space in your schedule to say yes to the things you want. You will likely have to do this by saying no to some things you are already doing. That takes guts, but I promise, it is worth it.


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Sunlight Streams Self-Care Blog

Rebecca Sebastian