SEVA and Your Yoga Business.

AKA: The Underrepresented Individuals You Want to Serve Don’t Follow You on Instagram. 

Welcome to Season 3 of Working In Yoga!!

This season I hope to offer you a complete experience from start to finish.  

Three seasons into this podcast, I have a better understanding of who and what I want to offer the yoga professional community…and I have asked guests onto the podcast that will enhance the stories I hope to share.  

Truth be told, I love this industry of yoga.  And I love it enough that I want to change it to nourish us all.

So this season you will hear stories from social change makers who are looking to utilize yoga tools to create change within our industry and within our communities.  These are the stories of activists, non-profit workers, and folks are looking at the greater yoga space to shift and change who is here.  

You will also hear from yoga therapists.  As we shift into larger conversations about yoga teaching as a profession I wanted to highlight what our experience is for those of us who are looking at yoga in a higher-training environment.  

We are also going to talk the business of yoga again.  I want to highlight different folks’ thoughts and experiences as we go forward into the new future we are creating.  

And of course there will be commentary from me.  I have a few things I have been thinking about in relationship to the yoga industry space, and I am excited to share some of that with you.  

And this episode we are staring with is a perfect example of the first content bucket.  My friend Pooja Virani, along with Jacoby Ballard and Melissa Shah are all social change makers within and outside the yoga space.  And I get to sit in a virtual room with them and talk all about the nitty gritty of social justice, social change, and yoga spaces.  

We talk a little bit about white supremacy, conversations within the Indian community, and within the LGBTQIA+ community. 

This is an episode I am so thrilled and honored to have as the season 3 opener.  

Go ahead and take a listen.  

When you are finished make sure you check out Pooja’s website, Melissa’s website, and Jacoby’s website.  

And please give Working In Yoga a subscribe, if you love it.  

With so much gratitude,
