Leading Your Yoga Business With Your Heart. A Masterclass with Sigrid Strebe

In yoga business, it often feels hard to reconcile what it is to run a business and what it is to be a true yoga practitioner.  Sometimes those two worlds feel like they will never meet, never come together in a way that feels both like a thriving business and an aligned yoga practice.

This makes us either give up the idea of being a professional, much like the folks who claim we should never be in yoga for money…OR we feel like we have to separate our business selves from our yoga selves.

I cannot express how many times I have heard “it was just business” on the other side of a sentence explaining something that made people feel small, belittled, or unsupported in the yoga space.

But our guest this week has built a bridge between these two worlds.

Sigrid Strebe is here to talk with us about the connection of our hearts and our yoga businesses.  We talk about service, free classes, and creating a community worth waking up for.

Make sure you check out her website www.sigridstrebe.com and find out all of her details.  

We are excited to have conversations within the yoga community about our real-life experiences and challenges.  If you are up for joining our digital community, make sure you stay tuned for the launch of our Working In Yoga community platform, coming in 2023.