Having our feet in two worlds. Specialities, Niches, and The General Love of Yoga.

Welcome to Working In Yoga!

This week I am posting a conversation with my friend Sarah Jane Smith, that we had back in January about what it means to specialize (or niche) as a yoga professional, and why.

Sarah is like so many of us, I think. She has her feet in two different worlds. In one world she teaches general yoga classes at her home studio, and in the other she specializes in sharing and holding space with the Childless Not By Choice community.

Sometimes it is difficult for us as yoga professionals with more than one passion, to choose where to spend our time, energy, and and resources. Do we do what we have always done? Do we branch out into something new, or more specific?

Sarah talks all about this, and I am thrilled to go along for the ride with her wisdom and insights.

Grab info about all things Sarah here:

Her studio: https://www.thenestyogasaltspring.com/seasonal-retreats.html

Her CNBC community work: https://www.embodiedpossibility.com/

And go follow her on IG @embodiedpossibility and get all of her delightful content on social.