Evolving Conversations: Our New Understanding of Consent and Touch w/ Cheri Dostal Ryba

This week’s episode is part of our fall series on Working In Yoga called Evolving Conversations.

We are taking some of the things that we find most difficult to talk about, and purposely push past the typical talking points into a new realm of conversation.

The subject this week is touch and consent, and there is nobody better to discuss this with than Cheri Dostal Ryba.

So take a listen and tell us what you think.


-Consent is dynamic, ongoing, and informed.  That means that it is not the same thing every time to every person, it is something that can change and should be rechecked over and over again–even within the same class, and that both the teacher and the student know exactly what is being consented to…every time.

-Don’t have sex with your students.  This shouldn’t need to be said, but I am going to reiterate it because it is important.

-Power dynamics in the yoga studio room matter.  The power dynamic of teachers and students and students with each other all have an impact on how people answer when we ask for consent.

-It is okay to unpack and discover your own voice as a teacher in order to be better at the job.  Ask yourself why you do what you do in a class, why  you say the words you say, and does it serve you and your students, or are you just doing it because you were told to by someone else?

-The subject of consent needs to be moved into the realm of our words to.  Do your students also consent to being lectured about whatever social justice or environmental cause you are passionate about at the moment?  While these things are important, especially to us as yoga practitioners, but consider how and why you say what you say in class.  And if that is what your students signed up for when they came into the room.

-And finally, Make sure you are regulated before you come to class, and especially before you touch people.


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