We Need To Talk About Our Grief.

I have noticed this odd pattern while talking to folks in our industry over the last several months.  

I have had the privilege of traveling to teach for some wonderful yoga conferences that have taken place since March of this year and I am going to say this: many of us need to do some serious work with our own grief.

From nostalgia of how much we made and what famous people we used to practice with, to fantasizing about the days when yoga training programs had integrity and were more “authentic”, we have this weird connection to things that once were.

I think this is pretty normal, a very human thing that happens among groups of people.  But on the whole, I think our nostalgia is really just unprocessed, complicated grief. 

And I think it is killing us.  

In this solo episode of Working In Yoga I dive deep into this idea of grief, and what we can do to change our attitudes about the industry.

We need to forge a path forward.

We need to co-create the future we want to be a part of.

And the first step is to acknowledge what we have lost.

Join me on this episode, and I absolutely cannot wait to hear what you’ve got to say.


Mayo Clinic guide to complicated grief:  https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/complicated-grief/symptoms-causes/syc-20360374 

Podcast website:  www.workinginyoga.com

Support:  https://sunlight-streams.heymarvelous.com/product/46341