The One About How We Didn’t Quit in 2022 w/ Shannon Crow

Sometimes podcasts really do get to talk to the coolest people.

That sentence feels significant since so much of our industry is full of feelings of isolation and loneliness.  One of the things I have learned in the last 20 years of being a yoga professional is that the more I find friends in the yoga community, the happier I am.  In making connections I have been able to extracate myself from cult-like situations as a professional, I have been able to feel more buoyed by my yoga practice, and I have been able to share space with the best of humans.

One of the friends I have made this year is fellow podcast host, Shannon Crow.  She hosts the podcast The Connected Yoga Teacher, and I asked her to come on Working In Yoga and talk about our past year.

For me this year has held a lot of grief within the professional yoga space.  My friends have left for different industries, my colleagues both near and far have closed their doors, and as we continue to look at the wreckage of the industry at large since 2020 and a potential recession starting out 2023…well sometimes the future feels not-so-bright.

But then I talked to Shannon.

She reminded me about how much I love the practice of yoga, how it has sustained me through some of my hardest times, and how together–through hard conversations and intentional actions, we can built the industry that nourishes us all.

This is a long episode, but worth every minute.  There is a surprise guest around the 26-minute mark, so don’t miss it!

The One About How We Didn't Quit in 2022 with Shannon Crow
Rebecca Sebastian


Our Sites:

Working In Yoga Podcast Website: 

Connected Yoga Teacher Podcast Website:

Rebecca’s Virtual Retreat:

Teachers We Talked About:

Kristine Webber:

Sadie Nardini:

Connected Yoga Teacher Facebook Group:

Connected Yoga Teacher Episodes We Talk About:

Diane Liska’s Episode with Shannon:

Nicole Lewis-Keeber’s Episode w/ Shannon:

Working In Yoga Episodes We Talk About:

Quitting Yoga:

Selling Yoga: