The Birthing And Becoming Of A Yoga Professional. A Conversation with Deb Flashenberg

Have you ever wondered how people who are incredibly dialed into their niche go there?

This week I have an interview with my new friend Deb Flashenberg. Deb is the founder and owner of Prenatal Yoga Center in New York City.

She highlights all her work as a pre and postnatal yoga teacher, and I think you will hear something in her voice that I found really striking. The tone she takes when she talks about the thing that lights her up the most. I want that for all of us, the idea that we can evolve--often by accident, into the profession or specialty that most fills our cup and allows us to show up more fully in the world.

For Deb that is childbirth prep and education, for me, it is teaching the tenants of true self-care, but for you, that may be something else. We all have such interesting journeys in how we came to be as yoga professionals, and I hope it inspires you to listen to someone who is doing the work that feeds her soul as much as it inspired me to talk to her.


*Most of your favorite yoga pros who have a really specialized niche have gone on a journey to find that thing they are passionate about. Often times it comes by accident or by lucky happenstance that shifts in our brains to become *the* thing we want to share with others.

*Once you learn a new skill or have some new knowledge, bring that info to your current students before you integrate that into new workshops or training. (this is something we will cover more in-depth during our professional development challenge) Use your current students and classes as a Petri dish to experiment and integrate new knowledge.

*there is an aspect of performing to teaching yoga in front of people. if you have performing arts experience that can help you in your ability to capture your students’ attention during classes, and even if you transition into working in the online space. If you've never had performing arts experience, it isn't too late! Take a class, join a troupe, and learn the skills of captivating a crowd. It can be invaluable.

*teaching hybrid can be a challenge in training settings but can be possible to do it skillfully in group class settings. watch for more conversations about this on the podcast as we talk more about what it is to be the next generation of yoga professionals.

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Deb Flashenburg

