Sadie Nardini & Shannon Crow Surprise the Hell Out of Me. The Future of Online Yoga Teaching.

This podcast episode was a total surprise for me, and this week I am excited to share the conversation with you all.

Sadie’s comments on teaching yoga online, marketing, and more are exactly what we’ve been talking about for the future of our profession in the online arena.

Take a listen.

Here are our key takeaways:

-There is plenty of room for you to build an audience online. There are more students who are looking for a more nurturing experience, which we can build, even online.

-We don't need to leverage our challenges and traumas in order to get likes. It is complicated and icky when we use our own challenges to get pity views---and it isn't the way marketing makes us feel good.

-You don't need to be committed to the same niche forever. Shifting your content as you age and gain more experience makes total sense. Now don't change every 6 months, but also don't feel stuck doing the same thing forever.

-Women don't need to be young in order to be valued, no matter what fitness and wellness IG accounts tell us.

-Feedback is critical. It is sometimes hard to hear, but it is worth getting to know your audience so we connect with them and build nourishing content for them.

-If you are not in the business of serving and helping people, go get a job that pays you better. Yeah, that times 100. When we are serving our purpose a lot of the things that seem difficult seem easier.

-Creativity requires space. We need to build some time in our schedules to be creative, which is one of the best things about working for yourself. Embrace your creativity.

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