How To Be A Yoga Researcher w/ Steffany Moonaz

This week we are talking about the profession of yoga research w/ Dr. Steffany Moonaz, the founder of Yoga For Arthritis.

Steffany tells us about the unique path she took to yoga therapy and eventually yoga research, and how you can work in the field of research as well.

It is important to hear from yoga professionals who are on the cutting edge of shifting conversations and language, and so I think this podcast episode will inspire you to pull out your most professional pants and head into the arena of yoga with medical and education professionals.


-Yoga therapists tend to take roundabout ways to get into the career.  This is true for so many of us, so if you feel like it is too late, or you have a story you think is “too quirky”--rest assured.  Your story is so many of us.

-” Yoga near me” is such a challenge for those of us who work in specialized populations or the yoga therapy field.  Make sure that those who are in your area know to call you specifically if they are looking for someone who does your kind of work or needs a yoga professional who is different than what would typically come up from a “yoga near me” Google search.

-When getting training it is important to learn from experts who not only have deep knowledge but also know how to teach other people.  Vet your trainers and make sure they can also teach what they know when you are seeking out new information and learning.

-Feedback is critical when learning new content as a yoga pro. Especially as you grow and evolve, being connected to your teachers is crucial to honing your craft. 

-Learn how to teach.  Learn how to teach a thing from a skilled teacher for adults.

-There is a tension between modern Western scientific practice and yoga philosophy and practice that we all hold as we learn more and dive deeper into the teaching of yoga.  If you feel that tension, know that you are totally normal, many of us feel it, and we all strike our own unique balance between the two.

-If you are lucky enough to be interviewing to be a yoga pro in a medical or academic environment…please be on time.  And for the love of all that is holy, wear regular pants.


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Steffany Moonaz’s Yoga For Arthritis Website

Symposium for Yoga Research 2023

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