Professionals Working Together. Collaboration as a superpower with John Cotrell, Allison Rissel, and Sheri Fisher.

I've said often that teaching yoga is a lonely job.

We come into work often by ourselves, we lead people in classes where the power dynamic is inharently unequal, and then we close up shop, sweep the floors, and shut the lights all by ourselves.

But what if it didn't have to be that way? What if we saw other yoga professionals as potential collaboration partners? Accountability partners? Inspiration?

Welcome to the relationship that John Cottrell, Allison Rissel, and Sheri Fisher have created together. They found a collaborative partnership, and a kinship, among sharing their joys and struggles, and have truly created a collective we should all strive for.

There are so many gems in this episode, but here are our key takeaways.


  • Collaboration is a lot like dating. Sometimes you get your heart broken, and sometimes you fall in love.

  • Collaboration isn't just an extroverted skill. Even introverts can learn skills of connecting with people and find it very rewarding.

  • Agendas help meetings be purposeful. Collaboration within your business can take longer without focus and organization.

  • Find an accountability group that keep you motivated. In-person is great, but if you start to interact with people online

  • Have you ever been burned in a yoga business collaboration? Remember professionalism and communication, and ask yourself how you want to be with other people.


Connected Yoga Teacher Group

Yoga Teacher Conf free resources

Allison’s Website

Sheri's Website

John's Website

Getting Real book.

Crucial Conversations book

Working In Yoga Website

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